Tuesday, October 27, 2009

section review 2 and Identify


2)apostle paul was beheaded and apostle peter crucified

3)domitian, christian refused to pray to the emperor,apostle john

4)tunnels about eight to ten feet wide and four to six feet high extended fo hunderd of miles beneath ancient rome,for refuge, worship, and burial

5)trajan, Polcarp

6)justin Martyr,blandina

7)septimius severus, irenaeus, perpetua,felicitas

8)valerian,aurelian cyprian

9)believers were cast to wild animals, they were also burn,

10)Edict of Milan, 313

Book of the Revelation-were john recieved and recorded the prophetic visions
Polycrap-aged bishop of smyrna
Maximinus thrax-6th emperor to do persecutionby ordering the death of the church leader
Decius-was even worse than the preceding six
Origen-christian philosopher
Maximian-proclaimed themselves officially dominus noster
galerius-proclaimed toleration for the christian
constantine 1-legal protection and recognition to christian

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